“Given that we are not fuel producers, our vulnerability to climate change, and the abundance of renewable resources we have, the country has taken measures
"Ćevapi, as the national dish of Bosnia and Herzegovina, are a symbol of unity and hospitality, bringing together people from different cultures and generations,"
"Supposedly, the drive behind it was to push forward decolonisation. That's a necessary and good thing. However, the way they went about it doesn't feel
Centuries of being overshadowed and misrepresented by colonial and other external perspectives have portrayed the continent through a lens of primitivism
Universities are the latest target of Georgia's ruling party. Earlier in January, the Interior Ministry ordered the expulsion of 25 foreign nationals who
This was a shock to everyone associated with the schools, including leadership, teachers, students, and parents, who were informed of the decision only
Other experts who spoke to the media explained that, given the death toll, the likelihood of the hotel having properly functioning warning, detection and
Manuel Pérez is creating spaces where children learn the Tzotzil language in a fun way, developing a video game inspired by Tzotzil stories and worldview,
To rebuild trust, media organizations must adhere to ethical journalism principles, maintain transparency about their ownership and practices, and engage
When explaining the causes of decreasing birth rate, President Erdoğan did not mention inflation, or the related economic challenges. Instead, he targeted